P 2774 It’s time we started…

… to hear His Voice in someone else’s voice. Someone prayed for this at church the other day and it impacted me. We need to find and see Jesus in each other. How? Well, to start with - He lives there! We said: “Come into my life Lord Jesus, and take over.” And He did. How we feel from day to day is irrelevant. Emotions are fickle they change with our circumstances.

However, sometimes what we are really saying is: “You can come into the lounge Lord. It’s nice and tidy in there, I cleaned that up the other day. But please don’t go into the bedroom, that’s a mess. And definitely stay away from the kitchen and the bathroom, You won’t like what You find in there!” A “Keep out” sign is a warning bell, clanging away trying to get our attention. It is not good to have keep out signs in our lives. It usually means something is badly amiss. Something we don’t want to fix or even pay attention to, because we like it, and we know full well … HE WON’T. It also contaminates our relationships with others.

I had keep out signs practically everywhere, when I first started to follow Him. Life had greatly shattered my trust in humanity. I was afraid I might lose something I cared about. Like my snarky attitudes that I had previously cultivated before I met Him, so I could protect myself. Did you know that keeping a bad attitude toward someone else is like SUPER GLUE? We have the power to stick them there, right in a place where we don’t like them! Read the book. We have the power to forgive people … or not!  A bad attitude is like wearing coloured glasses.

The Lord is far more patient with any of us than we will ever deserve. Praise God, Jesus came here as a human being, so He gets … PEOPLE. If you don’t believe me then read the way He relates to the disciples when they’d lost their brain. Or they didn’t want to change their minds because they couldn’t see anything wrong with their thinking! Those keep out signs stop US from changing too. Meanwhile it’s a wonder, at the beginning of my relationship with the Lord that He had somewhere, at all, to put a toe on. 

But after it took me awhile to realise my error, here’s what I did instead. I’ve pulled out all the keep out signs, because they limit God and I don’t want to limit the Answer! And instead I put up a “proceed with caution, please Lord” one. That sign is for my benefit, not His. He has more loving kindness than I will ever experience anywhere else, but I need to say it, and He listens to me so patiently. I love Him for that.

I think this is part of the problem with our fellowship within the church. Some of us have been so badly bruised by the very people we thought were perfect when we were growing up spiritually, that we put up keep out signs everywhere. On the chimney, on the lawn, in the window, by the front gate… you name it! Now we are just plain scared of other people’s faces and responses, so we live guarded lives. Lives peppered with plastic fruit. Other people could hurt us … BUT …we won’t tell them about it, because that would give them an advantage over us. No faith there.

Here’s a not-so-wonderful revelation — keeping His kids out, limits our growth. The Lord will not limit His right leg, His elbow or His kidneys by seeing them as separate to Him. We are all part of His body. We do whatever we do on His behalf. Jesus has owned us, and become engaged to us, by choice. And He will do everything He can, without violating anyone’s free will, to keep us safe with Him.

Accepting any difficult or nasty people at church is part of loving Him… it’s in the book. Actually it's often in the part of the book, we don’t much like reading so we avoid it. But the Lord is so gracious, and spiritually attuned, that He can look after us and our overwhelming feelings of fear and doubt, and still not hurt someone else who scares the life out of us. Boy is that a skill I really want!

So, here’s the answer to the church-is-the-place-where-everybody-pretends-to-love-everybody problem. I look for Jesus in that other person. Sometimes  we may need the Lord to install a huge love filter.  My filter is in Colossians 3:14: "Together with these things, the most important part of your new life is to love each other. Love is what holds everything together in perfect unity." Let the Holy Spirit do this whole relationship thing between each of us - He’s brilliant at it… At the same time we need to prayerfully insist that now, today, we want to accept and love other people. The real deal can take time to grow .. keep pressing on. 

We may have to throw out a whole heap of our own prejudices and smelly attitudes to get there - but embracing love helps us all grow beyond platitudes. Honesty is great, but please don’t tell the other poor sod that you’ve always hated them - that’s counterproductive. Seeing love through His eyes, means we develop spiritual sight, which goes right along with spiritual hearing. We need to turn off that snarky voice inside our head that comments about other people's sincerity - and aim at love.

My last clue to solving the problem of loving the brethren is pray. Pray, pray, pray pray pray. Then do something nice, like ask them about themselves. You can get a whole lot of insight into someone else’s attitudes by simply listening, it’s a greatly underestimated skill. It is time we started to hear His voice within other people’s voices. The spirit of isolation leads to error. Bye. 👋

P 2773 The place where intimacy starts.

Lately, it seems like every single person I talk with, is having an appalling time. It is as if the floodgates of trouble, irritation, strife and frustration have been flung open and bad stuff is flowing rapidly out into our lives. Boy! Have I got a great scripture for all of us! Isaiah 59:19-20: “So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” 

A standard is described in the dictionary as: “…a baseline, a value about something that you just don't go below.” This verse is not about our standard, or lack thereof — this verse is about God lifting up HIS OWN STANDARD. (Jesus!!) Every single word or phrase in our bible is a door into a bigger and better understanding of the Ways of our God. It doesn’t matter what version we read, because the Holy Spirit made the world, so He can translate and use whatever one we use! Even those little words we would normally skim across because in ordinary life they are not important. In the bible they are important! 

We cannot afford to read the bible like a magazine or an ordinary novel, because these books are not a collection of ‘stories;” they are God showing Himself to mankind, revealing His Will, His Way. Whenever we pause, and ask Him questions, we open the door to wisdom. At the same time, what we read will start to become familiar to us. We begin to know Him through what He says and does. The people who think God is a softie who turns a blind eye to the daft, disobedient things we do, have not read His book properly. 

The God of the New Testament is the same God Who is in the Old! The New Testament changes who man is  … not God! HE is always the same‘ …yesterday, today, forever - He never changes.’ ˆ(Hebrews 13:8) God is so much bigger than we can ever understand, and He is incredibly and wonderfully, deep! We cannot afford to limit Him. However, we will grow spiritually when we stop blindly accepting everything somebody else says in a sermon - instead go after wisdom and understanding with the Holy Spirit’s help, for yourself under His guidance.  

Proverbs 4:3-6 MSG:When I was a boy at my father’s knee, the pride and joy of my mother, He would sit me down and drill me:“Take this to heart. Do what I tell you—live! Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding! Don’t forget one word! Don’t deviate an inch!  Never walk away from Wisdom—she guards your life; ...” Wise parents!!

When we persevere, and press into God, by reading His Word, looking for things to do - in response to what we've read — we do it because we want to know Him and His ways. “Lord show me Your ways so I might walk with You.” By pressing in, wrestling with the bits we don’t understand — we are showing the Lord how much knowing and understanding Him and His ways means to us. That’s where intimacy starts. Intimacy means I know that other person well, no matter what sort of situation I am in with them - I know enough about them to know they are trustworthy.

And if there are spiritual delays sometimes, we learn that they have a purpose. …John 11:11-15: “After He (Jesus) had said this, He went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep. So then He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.Some answers to prayer are delayed for reasons that only make sense much later!

Now let’s go back to today’s verse from Isaiah … What is God’s standard? Jesus Christ is God’s perfect standard. We have a visual illustration in the bible of what God wants, and WHY He wants it. Jesus perfectly represents our Heavenly Father and His Ways. Our question to the Holy Spirit in hard times needs to be like this: “What do I do now? How do I handle this flood coming at me? Do I fight like Jesus did, when He turned over the money changers’ tables and they were too astonished to stop Him? Or do I simply hand everything over to Him and lie down like a lamb, and go to sleep because He’s going to take care of it?” Amen.

When we ask Him questions we are carefully examining His standard. Anyone can read this way - you don’t have to be a scholar, but you do have to be a lover pursuing the One you love! Otherwise you will just come up with more rules, and not much revelation! Galatians 6:9 says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  Remember, God wants intimacy, but it will cost us time. We need to value what we have been given. We cannot afford to stop short of reaping the harvest that comes from perseverance. We have an onsite, always available Helper - Who also loves intimacy. Bye. 👋

P 2772 How to wreck a perfectly good day!

The other day I had an eye specialist appointment. In the time we spent waiting for our turn, which was about forty minutes, we chatted to a number of people in the waiting room. I was totally blessed to be able talk with a lovely tiny little Indonesian lady sitting across from me. We even hugged each other when we said goodbye. 

She cried, I cried, I was just so blessed by her. She didn’t speak English very well, but somehow that didn’t matter. She told me she felt our hearts had connected. All I know is that I loved her instantly, and we knew each other like 10 minutes tops! Meanwhile, hubby chatted to her husband and shook his hand, and we gave them both stuff. We were so warm with this older couple the specialist asked us if we were all friends who knew each other before! 

When we finally made it in to see him, life took one of its nasty turns. First of all, I was only with the doctor for all of 20 minutes, and after that, the receptionist told us his bill was $400. That, BTW, is $20 per minute! Wow. He prescribed eye drops that can be bought over the counter for only $33, for a teeny-weeny bottle. Mortgage anyone? Did I mention we are pensioners not prosperous cattle farmers?!  

Hubby then patiently explained to me that the doctor had put the ‘liquid gold’(?) drops on a prescription, which meant it was free for us. Even after that I was still pretty ticked off with eye specialists! I need to be truthful, I kind of mumbled about it a lot and let the idea of paying out that huge amount  of money - for only twenty minutes(!) spoil the rest of our morning, by complaining.

In the afternoon, on the same day, I was chewing away on my Rice crackers - yes, I said rice crackers! And I broke a tooth. After a whole lot of effort, we could not find one dentist who was available who could look at said broken tooth asap. So I was back grumpy again, because dentists cost money, and $400 had already flown out of the window. Not to mention the whole thought of drilling, and teeth and stuff! I’m not all that keen on the dentist. 

Finally hubby found one who could see me the next day. This dentist hadn't worked on the weekend before - they had only just put that appointment in, on the net as a trial! Hubby, bless him, went right on persevering, while I was still grumping about these things. There is a point to this saga, please hold …!!

Next morning we found out good old Medicare has given us $80 back on our $400 investment - many thanks to the Government. That was when I finally began to throw my grumpy ‘attitude’ into reverse. I said all that, to make this point - Father God was already working for me behind the scenes in ways I didn’t even comprehend. I couldn’t see Him, because I was much too busy developing a bad attitude! 🙄  Eventually I figured out my response left a whole lot to be desired, so I took my own advice, and repented. 

I’ve written about my very-bad-awful-terrible day so you can see what happens when someone concentrates on the negative. It means you can’t see the good stuff!  So let’s look at the good stuff and recap. We did have to pay $400, but God gave us $80 back unexpectedly. We sat in the eye specialist’s offices for about 40 minutes, and that meant I met the sweetest little lady and we shared a time of enjoying one another’s company briefly. My horribly expensive eye drops cost us ... wait for it ... zero. Then I broke a tooth. I went to the dentist on the weekend, gaining a free appointment that wasn't normally there! And! It cost the same as it would have on a week day.

Overcoming in this life depends on how we look at stuff and that point was really driven home to me. I’m the kind of person that thinks that being grumpy is wasting a day, and I had just wasted one on something I couldn’t change - sigh - I hate it when I do that! The worst bit is, it is way too easy to concentrate on the bad things and totally miss the good. Especially when the bad stuff comes in waves. Are you feeling me right now?? 

So here’s a couple of verses to chew on: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil;  for He gives to His beloved sleep.” Psalm 127:1&2.  “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? "Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch?” Matthew 6:27.

How do you wreck a perfectly good day? You totally forget what God says in the book. Bye. 👋

ps My tooth was fixed with a minimum of fuss, and we now have a new dentist. Like I said, it all depends on what we focus on.

P 2771 The kingdom of God.

In Isaiah 55:8-9 the Lord said: “My plans aren't your plans, nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My plans than your plans.” That kind of clinches it eh? Because it can’t get any plainer than that! We have not got a clue how God operates, and without the Holy Spirit’s help we never will ... He is far too complex for us to understand. Aren’t we blessed that He reaches down to us, and shares how He wants us to participate? The Lord has plans for everyone’s good - not just mine. His plan is to save the world … one person at a time … and He wants to use us to do it.

Sadly, at least half of Christianity, at this moment in time, are not even trying to participate in His plans. We pray for His kingdom to come, and then we go out into the world and try to further our own kingdom instead! It is impossible for someone to live in two kingdoms. We are either living for His, or living for ours. And the sad fact is this - we postpone participation in His kingdom, in favour of organising our own. BTW, age does not factor in this reality, Moses was 80 when he started living the life God planned for Him. 

It seems like Almighty God is looking for “Onward Christian soldiers” but most of us want: “The Happy Song.” So, what do we do with the fact that we seem to like “The Happy Song” better? Here’s what I think — I think we can have the Happy Song AND Onward Christian soldiers, when we have learnt to stop allowing this world be the source of our happiness. And we make Jesus, together with obedience, our source of inspiration and action. How do people know I am an Aussie? When I open my mouth! Kingdom people have a different focus in their conversations.

The bible says in Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Seek His kingdom first. That's not hard to understand! There are apparently 46 scriptures that point out a facet of what God’s kingdom is like. Obviously I can’t list them here, but looking those verses up is worthwhile. If we are going to aim at something it will help us to know what it looks like! We are told to seek His Kingdom first, after that comes the righteousness that only Christ’s death and resurrection can give us. And after that we use our faith and believe what His book says … and …we step out using our faith. Participation in that process means we will get our needs met. 

Most of the time, I have observed when we pray, we feature our own needs. That’s backward. Start with the Kingdom. Seek the kingdom first. Pray like this: ‘Your kingdom come in me,’ OR… 'I‘present my body as a living sacrifice.’ OR …'Your will, Your way, Lord.’ When we start with His kingdom, a whole lot of unnecessary stuff falls off instantly. It means we’ve put down our little list of needs and wants, and started to focus on Him and what He wants. We need to remember Christ’s position before His Father is now our position. So we live this life, the only one we have, like His kingdom is more important than ours … because it is. Our needs are temporal, His kingdom is eternal.

Here are a few examples of what His kingdom looks like in action: a/ righteousness, peace and joy. We can have these 3 things in the here and now, because they are part of living our new life IN Christ. b/ Being spiritually helpless and ignorant doesn’t cancel His kingdom - it gives us access to it. c/ His kingdom is activated by faith, not knowledge or wealth. d/ It’s a treasure and it’s often hidden. e/ The kingdom of God starts out small but then it grows. f/ It blossoms in us as we embrace it. g/ In His kingdom HE is the ruler. h/ This kingdom is not just a place per se, like heaven! His kingdom comes in a ‘people’ wrapping. You and I, we are kingdom carriers. i/ Final one for me, the kingdom of God is a treasure - it must be sought, dug for, paid for by surrendering every bit of our lives to the King.

Remember, His kingdom is now within us but it needs to be released through us by our obedience to His word. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, He will teach us which way we should go, and how to serve the King. So if we go to school, or work, or to the shops, etc. He goes there with us.  We carry the kingdom of God - what a privilege! Jesus wants to be wherever we are, because He loves us and…He wants to reach the people all around us.. Seeking His kingdom is like seeking the King - the rewards are out of this world. They are priceless. Bye. 👑

P 2770 God has a plan.

If you have been a Christian for a while you may have bumped into Jeremiah. Jeremiah is, in my mind, one of our great faith pioneers. He kept his faith strong even when his life was awful. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. But when you look at Jeremiah's life, it was a far cry from being filled with great plans and fab future! I want to comment on this particular verse today, because I believe it has been misused on occasion, to imply that our God is more like a genie, than our omnipotent, omnipresent, always wise, sovereign God and glorious Father - Who made heaven and earth! 

Let’s just look carefully at what this verse says: God totally declares that He has plans for each one of us. We have not been left here, in our often difficult circumstances, all alone. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to help us with every second, of every minute of every day. We can now walk with Him like Christ did, that's the plan! In order to walk with the Holy Spirit - emphasis on the word ‘holy’  … our lives need to change. Our focus has to come off our own comfort, and be firmly planted into whatever the Lord wants for us.

This verse says that His plans are about giving us hope. The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus Christ is our ever-present hope, and this scripture is a prophetic statement about Christ! It is not a promise that this life will never ever be bad again. The hope in our future is Christ Himself. Jeremiah did not live an easy life. His whole nation went into captivity. However, our God has incredible plans and if we ask Him, He may even let us in on them! He has promised He will listen when we pray, and answer us. But we may not understand His answer right away!

We need to consistently remember that Father God will never ever mislead us, quite often we simply can’t see beyond the end of our noses and our need to control everything and make it peachy! However, our future always lies with the Lord. It is very important that we understand that - the scripture above is about security IN God. You and I have eternity ahead of us, so we have an ever expanding future!  Heaven is real and we will go there. I think our God is incredible - He’s planning to spend eternity with all of us! Imagine that!

Our Heavenly Father, has already provided everything we will ever need IN Christ. Sadly we can spend our short lives looking for monetary or physical gain, and we do live this life celebrating the reality that eternity is ours, now and forever ... and LIVE that way. Unfortunately we often want ease, now. It matters where our hope is, because ours is always in Christ. …Our hope is not in some scripture that I picked up, or one I decided suited my problem, my hope is in Christ. Christ is God’s demonstrated goodness. 

In my opinion, Jeremiah, makes a very interesting example of God’s input into one man’s life. He remained courageous and loyal to his calling despite his difficulties. He faithfully told the Israelites the bad news about their future, over and over again. Sometimes ... lucky him!…. he also got to physically demonstrate it too! He was beaten and ridiculed simply because he spoke out God’s truth. The people who follow Jesus Christ do not always have easy carefree lives. However, He will ALWAYS help us, so our faith is in His Character. These things flow out of intimacy. And intimacy is about God always being with us, so we live by faith - because that is the reality.

We must stop thinking that serving God means we will remain trouble free! Our wonderful Father is doing more than one thing at a time. He is answering our prayers for transformation, preparing us for eternity, and restoring and healing relationships, here and now. Jeremiah was carted off from his homeland along with everyone else, despite the fact that he was busy being obedient ... doing and saying what God said!  He continually prophesied bad things were coming, not good ones, and sadly the Jews didn’t like it, or him. And he also pointed out that there is a great difference between saying something - even sincerely believing it, and... doing it. Belief must turn into action.

Personally, I think the Old Testament brings a much needed balance into the church-at-large's current theory of: “let’s all have a jolly old party down here, because SomeBody else paid the bill!”  We cannot choose hedonism and indulgence and expect everything to be AOK with the Lord. What part of ‘take up your cross and follow Me, don’t we get? We serve Him - He doesn’t serve us. He proved His love for all mankind when He gave us His Only Son. Our choices from day to day matter, because Father God does not wink at our sins, they were far too costly for His Son. The very least we can do is acknowledge them, and live this life, here and now, differently.

He has a plan to give us a hope and a future. Our future is with Him, today, tomorrow, and forever, and His plan has already given us hope in Christ and all He did. Let’s stick with HIS PLAN and leave behind the idea of some sort of a trouble-free cushy life. Bye. 👋

P 2769 Be Gentle with people.

Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:22-26.

When people disagree with us theologically and we know they are wrong, we need to come alongside them, and go over the truth from the bible, mixed with great spiritual wisdom and kindness. There are many people today that would probably say nothing at all, because they feel somebody else’s error is none of their business and disagreement is not of God. But here, Paul is telling us not to fight about stuff, but we can’t ignore it either. Error flourishes when the truth is not explained, and it has a picnic when people stop reading their bibles!

Timothy is being instructed by Paul to dialogue with others about theological differences. The thing is, we don’t have to disagree about these things, but we do need to address them. It is part of our mandate to make the Lord’s ways, as written in His book, clear. In my own family there is someone who has some quite squirrelled-up ideas about God and what He will or won't do. I remind myself often that love covers a multitude of sin - and love is not a feeling it is a choice. So love cares deeply if the other person is misinformed, but it doesn’t punish them for not knowing what the truth is, it demonstrates it, as well as corrects it.

However, please don’t overlook the fact that satan is the prince of the power of the air and he makes a lousy interpreter of what somebody else just said!! Clarification is imperative. Instead, no matter how either party feels, pray,  and release the Holy Spirit to bring about reconciliation and a deeper understanding. People can hear you better if you stand with them, not on the other side of some theological fence. We need to practise humility, and not blame. And if we are to correct others, we need to be humble and open to correction ourselves. Fighting doesn’t teach anyone anything, it just makes other people defensive.

Meanwhile, I think the Lord is on the move. The church at large, seems to think that God moving means ‘good times for ALL.’  Actually, I don’t think that. "...narrow is the gate, and few people find it..." I think this is the time to throw out erroneous theology and concentrate on what the bible says. We’ve been stuck on the “God wants to bless me and make my life great” turntable for way too long and many people were flung off it because it did not ring true in their own lives. The Holy Spirit is looking into our lives and asking each one us about what we believe and WHY. He’s levelling our theological roads to make a highway for our God. He knows how to fix everything. Meanwhile, in the Lord's Presence, disagreements melt away. 

When God points out error it is not to condemn anyone. “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world … but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:17. So, I can say, unequivocally, that nobody should ever feel condemned, however, convicted works for me! Condemnation is not from God and it’s not why Jesus came! He came to save us from our sins, past, present and future. Jesus knows how to get through this stuff, He talked to the religious leaders in His ministry. He is truth. And He knows how anyone can escape from the enemy’s lies and traps. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Did ya get that? I had to read it a couple of times before I did. The word endure popped out. Sometimes the best answer is to lovingly endure someone else’s ignorance. Meanwhile this verse also means He won’t immediately fish us out of whatever is going on… remember - He promises to be WITH US in trouble!  And faith does not grow without str-etch-ing …. What we have at stake here is the mistaken perception that if God is good, why do good people suffer? That's an easy one -  all have sinned! His compassion for other people won’t fall on us, we must become alive to it, and often experience will teach us more than a theory can.

We are told in 2 Timothy that we must not be quarrelsome. Speaking for myself, I hardly ever start out trying to be quarrelsome, I jump in when I can see someone else is hurting themselves with a false belief system. I have also observed that there are times when people seem argumentative, but they are simply trying to explain themselves. Sometimes, loudly and aggressively! But, listening carefully is the very best posture to take. Responding like this can let the angry hot air out of someone else’s bright red balloon and disarm the situation. We simply need to continue to live in love, no matter what is said ... and agreement comes later. And conviction comes from the Lord Himself, not from our opinions, even if they are accidentally right.

It can be really hard to talk to someone we know about touchy issues. Stress is everywhere and people get defensive. Even nice people!  We can all feel anxious and attacked when somebody else points out our faults or mistakes. That is time to ask for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and help. The world gently  stands out in 2 Timothy -- that means we will need the Grace of God to help us to operate in all our conversations, ‘gently,’ and not get ticked off. The major thing in any argument is to remember that nobody likes to be misunderstood, or have their personhood maligned. Insulting the other person, and what they believe, is counterproductive.

We can’t change someone else’s behaviour, instead, we are looking to introduce God’s Love into the situation so both people stop focussing on the issue, and start to remember that even if they are wrong or misinformed that God already forgave them and He accepts them. We do not have to be held captive to any strategy of satan that has been sent to create pain, division and strife, instead we can choose to become God’s messengers of gentleness, accompanied by acceptance and love. Bye 👋